Students & Young People

Buckingham has a long history of working with students from Bristol’s universities.

Our location on Queen’s Road, less than 100 metres from the entrance to the Students’ Union, has placed us close to the centre of university life.

Recent years have seen us welcoming the University of Bristol’s Christian Union to our premises for it freshers’ barbecues, and also hosting the CU’s Christmas Carol service.

We very much value the input of our students, and everyone studying in Bristol is very welcome to join us at our meetings and to enter into the life of our church.

In addition, we have a good number of young people who meet with us; some on apprenticeships, some in the world of work.

Here are some of our current students and young people;

Rebekah (Veterinary Science, Bristol):

Rebekah (Student)“Moving to Bristol was quite a challenge for a simple country girl! But my first Sunday at Buckingham made the transition so much easier, and I was overwhelmed by how welcoming everybody was.

The most important thing for me when I was looking for a church was that the emphasis was placed on the preaching of God’s word. The teaching at Buckingham continues to challenge and encourage me each week as it seeks to ‘preach Christ and Him crucified’ (1 Cor. Ch 2 v 2).

Although there are a smaller number of students at Buckingham compared to other churches in Bristol, this has helped me to escape the ‘student bubble’ and to learn from older Christians who have so much to teach! I have also really enjoyed being able to meet up with the other young people for ‘Extra time’ on Sunday nights as well as for regular bible studies. I have learnt so much from these discussions and it has been great to make friends who continually point me to Christ.

There are so many different ways to help serve at Buckingham. One of my favourite things has been helping with the lunches for the Roma children on Sundays. It is such a privilege to be able to talk to them about Jesus and to show them His love in such a practical way.”

Femi (Philosophy, University of Bristol):

“God goes before His people and satisfies the longing of every soul (Isaiah 58:11). That exact statement captures my existence and current experience at Buckingham Chapel. As the world speeds faster towards its destiny, I want to stay fastened to God, the Anchor that keeps the soul steadfast and sure while the billows roll, as the hymn goes.

Answering the prayers of my family, the Lord, himself, led me to join His flock here: where Christianity is not just considered as a culture or as a religion but as a necessary communion with the Creator through the Lord Jesus Christ. Buckingham Chapel is a good example of the early Church; where you have sound doctrine alongside fellowship and brotherliness. The Church’s structured events show its concern for the adults (both the men and the women), the young children and the youth.

The youth of the Church is a growing and lively fellowship, meeting for interactive Bible studies, Film Nights and other events. With all these, everyone exhorts one another as we all continue with our personal growth in the Lord Jesus. I do sometimes see people taking pictures of Buckingham Chapel, probably, because of its aesthetic architecture that is pleasant to the eyes: but I really wish they will come inside and understand what great medicine they can find for their souls (Matthew 11:29).”

Oli (Civil Engineer, previously studied at University of Bristol):

“I came to know the Jesus as my Lord and Saviour soon after I was welcomed to Buckingham as a student. It was the work and witness of individuals that spoke most powerfully to my heart.

Since that time I have grown hugely in the faith. The opportunity to be involved in numerous ministries has stretched me spiritually and personally; I would encourage everyone to be involved.

As I go through life as a member of the church at Buckingham Chapel, I am conscious of the prayers of others in the fellowship lifting me up. The brothers and sisters here are amongst my closest friends and come from all over the world. They support and challenge each other to ensure that we become increasingly conformed to the perfect example of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I know that I stand with many in saying that my life has been transformed from the inside out during my time here. The power of God is moving and I trust that many others will come to find the same.”

James (Geography, University of Bristol):

James (Student)“My name is James Hallier, and I am a Student at the University of Bristol. I study Geography going into my third year. I love learning more and more things about God’s creation, which surrounds us.

I really enjoy being part of the church at Buckingham Chapel, as there is a great mix of people, who are all very welcoming. I really appreciated the warm welcome I received when I first arrived in Bristol and onwards. I always look forward to catching up with them all every week and really miss it over the summer when I return home.

The church run a young people’s bible study every month, which have been really invaluable times to get to grips with God’s word and also meet up with other students and young people at the church. The last series we did was on the sermon on the mount, and I am grateful for the teaching which has really helped me develop my own skills during my own personal reading time.”

Yvonne (Law, University of Bristol):

yvonne1“What I really like about Buckingham is their traditional style of worship, which has helped me focus on praising God. This is just what I need after a long week of studying! Despite being from a foreign country, I felt very much at home at

Buckingham as everyone is very friendly and accommodating.

I enjoyed the fellowship at Buckingham with worshippers of different age groups: mature Christians have helped me by sharing their experiences with me while my peers are able to offer me support in everything. Buckingham offers a wide variety of activities for students. Young people regularly meet for Bible Studies and occasionally for Film Nights.

As I am usually drowned in books, I really enjoy being able to prepare and serve lunch to the children once in a while. I appreciate being given the opportunity to contribute, despite only having a little time to spare.”

James (Maths, UWE):

“ I’ve really appreciated the fellowship of other Christians at Buckingham and the preaching, especially the Wednesday evening Bible studies.

It is good to have a Church where people of all ages interact. Students are encouraged to get involved with the life of the Church and I’ve enjoyed working with the Sunday School and the outreach to Roma children. The children appreciate the time and care we give them and it is rewarding to see this and their interest in hearing about the Bible.

As well as opportunities to be involved, there are Bible Studies aimed at young people and students which helps to deepen our knowledge. We also started running film nights for our age group which have helped us to get to know each other better, alongside being invited to many student Sunday lunches.

These activities give me a welcome break from studying!”

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