Saturday Specials

Saturday Specials are free events for primary school aged children. We hold them in the church hall three times a year from 10.30 to 1.30. Please keep on the lookout for signs on the church railings which advertise these and for the invite on your school notice board or in your reception area – and then come along and join us!

We see a similar number of boys and girls attending each time. The feedback from parents and children has been excellent so we stick to the tried and tested formula of starting with some games, then doing some seasonal craft activities and then we all sit together for a time to sing and have a talk.  Children bring their own lunch, and we provide drinks with a biscuit and fruit snack. The children leave with a party style bag full of their craft and other treats.

Our Saturday Specials have proven to be a time to reconnect with families and children who previously attended our Tiger Tots preschool group as well as meet new families and children from the neighbourhood. We run the day so children can attend alone but if parents/carers wish to stay they are made very welcome. We have free parking in the church car park.

Please be assured that all the men and women who work with children at Buckingham follow our church’s Safeguarding Policy, which can be seen on request.

Come and join us. Saturday Specials are really good fun!

(Pictures are from our Christmas Saturday Special 2022)

Pre booking is required, please email for more details or to book a place.

The dates for 2024 are:

23rd March


9th November